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Pre-generated client codes

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MagicOnion supports Unity, NativeAOT, and other platforms that require pre-generated client code with Source Generator (MagicOnion.Client.SourceGenerator).

MagicOnion.Client.SourceGenerator is shipped with MagicOnion.Client package. This means that you no longer need to the install generator tool (moc) and setup additional build steps.

Supported development environments

  • Unity 2022.3.0f1 or later
  • .NET 6 or later
  • Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 or later
  • Rider 2023.1 or later


Define a partial class with any name of your choosing within the application. Mark it with the MagicOnionClientGeneration attribute, and specify any service type found within the assembly where you want to search for the service interface.

For example, if the MyApp.Shared assembly contains MyApp.Shared.Services.IGreeterService and MyApp.Shared.Hubs.IChatHub, specify one of them.

using MagicOnion.Client;

partial class MagicOnionGeneratedClientInitializer {}

Next, configure MessagePack to use the generated MessagePack Resolver (MagicOnionGeneratedClientInitializer.Resolver property). This is the same as when using the legacy MagicOnion.Generator.

#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
static void RegisterResolvers()
// Add: Use MessagePack formatter resolver generated by the source generator.

MessagePackSerializer.DefaultOptions = MessagePackSerializer.DefaultOptions

Source generation options

You can specify options in the named constructor of the attribute.

  • DisableAutoRegistration: Sets whether to disable automatically calling Register during start-up. (Automatic registration requires .NET 5+ or Unity)
  • Serializer: Sets the serializer used for message serialization. The default value is GenerateSerializerType.MessagePack.

Additional options

You can specify additional options with the MagicOnionClientGenerationOption attribute.

For MessagePack, there are options for compatibility with the previous mpc.

  • MessagePack.FormatterNamespace: Specifies the namespace of the pre-generated Formatter. The default is MessagePack.Formatters.
  • MessagePack.GenerateResolverForCustomFormatter: Specifies whether to use pre-generated MessagePack Formatter. The default is false.