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Dependency Injection

최종 업데이트

이 기능과 문서는 서버 측에만 적용됩니다.

MagicOnion 필터는 Dependency Injection을 지원합니다. FromTypeFilter, FromServiceFilter를 사용하거나 IMagicOnionFilterFactory를 사용하는 두 가지 방법으로 필터를 활성화할 수 있습니다.

다음은 FromTypeFilter, FromServiceFilter를 사용하는 예시입니다.

public class MyServiceFilterAttribute : MagicOnionFilterAttribute
private readonly ILogger _logger;

// the `logger` parameter will be injected at instantiating.
public MyServiceFilterAttribute(ILogger<MyServiceFilterAttribute> logger)
_logger = logger;

public override async ValueTask Invoke(ServiceContext context, Func<ServiceContext, ValueTask> next)
_logger.LogInformation($"MyServiceFilter Begin: {context.Path}");
await next(context);
_logger.LogInformation($"MyServiceFilter End: {context.Path}");

생성자 주입을 사용하여 속성으로 필터를 등록합니다([FromTypeFilter][FromServiceFilter]를 사용할 수 있습니다).

public class MyService : ServiceBase<IMyService>, IMyService
// The filter will instantiate from type.
public UnaryResult<int> Foo()
return UnaryResult(0);

// The filter will instantiate from type with some arguments. if the arguments are missing, it will be obtained from `IServiceProvider`
[FromTypeFilter(typeof(MyThirdFilterAttribute), Arguments = new object[] { "foo", 987654 })]
public UnaryResult<int> Bar()
return UnaryResult(0);

// The filter instance will be provided via `IServiceProvider`.
public UnaryResult<int> Baz()
return UnaryResult(0);

다음은 IMagicOnionFilterFactory<T>를 사용하는 예시입니다.

이는 속성에 대한 매개변수를 가지면서도 DI를 사용할 때 깔끔한 작성 방법입니다.

public class MyServiceFilterAttribute : Attribute, IMagicOnionFilterFactory<IMagicOnionServiceFilter>, IMagicOnionOrderedFilter
readonly string label;

public int Order { get; set; } = int.MaxValue;

public MyServiceFilterAttribute(string label)
this.label = label;

public IMagicOnionServiceFilter CreateInstance(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
=> new MyServiceFilter(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<MyServiceFilterAttribute>>());

class MyServiceFilter : IMagicOnionServiceFilter
readonly string label;
readonly ILogger logger;

public MyServiceFilter(string label, ILogger<MyServiceFilterAttribute> logger)
this.label = label;
this.logger = logger;

public async ValueTask Invoke(ServiceContext context, Func<ServiceContext, ValueTask> next)
logger.LogInformation($"[{label}] MyServiceFilter Begin: {context.Path}");
await next(context);
logger.LogInformation($"[{label}] MyServiceFilter End: {context.Path}");
public class MyService : ServiceBase<IMyService>, IMyService
public UnaryResult<int> Foo()
return UnaryResult(0);